Scholarship Opportunities

The key criteria for an LIM FEF scholarships is financial need, as assessed via benchmarking FAFSA forms, and merit, using GPA. Students must formally apply each year and provide two letters of recommendation. 25 scholarships are awarded each year, with awards ranging from $750 to $2,500.  

This year only, through the Elizabeth S. Marcuse Scholarship, we are awarding an additional 20, $5,000 scholarships.

Keep scrolling to learn more about the types of scholarships available.

Learn more about the application process.

Click here to access the online application and apply.

Foundation Scholarship Application

LIM Fashion Education Foundation Scholarship Awards:

Not Need-Based Scholarships

  • LIM Alumni Association Scholarship
  • LIM Fashion Education Foundation Scholarship
  • Elizabeth S. Marcuse Scholarship (this year only)
  • LIM Honorees Scholarship
  • Milton and Patricia Samuels Award
  • Leonard Nadel Scholarship
  • Stan Gellers Scholarship
  • Robert Bryan Achievement Scholarship

Need-based Scholarships

  • Adrian G. Marcuse Memorial Scholarship
  • Alan S. Scheiber Memorial Scholarship
  • Ashley Riggitano Scholarship
  • Helen Galland Scholarship
  • John Robert Randall Memorial Scholarship
  • LaVelle Olexa Scholarship
  • LIM Alumni/Foundation Scholarship
  • LIM Faculty/Staff Achievement Award
  • LIM Faculty/Staff Study Abroad Award
  • Patty Farmer Scholarship

Awards, Eligibility, Amounts, and Deadlines

Award Eligibility for Consideration Amount Per Year & Responsibility Procedure
LIM Alumni Association Scholarship Current LIM College student going into the third year or fourth year with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better. Student must have completed the first two years at LIM College. Need not a factor. One award of $1,000. Non-renewable. Submit scholarship application by March 19. No FAFSA necessary.
LIM Honorees Scholarship Current LIM College students. Based on high academic achievement (cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher) and character. Need not a factor. Several partial tuition awards. Variable amounts from $1,000 to $2,000. Non-renewable. Submit scholarship application by March 19. No FAFSA necessary.
Elizabeth S. Marcuse Scholarship

Current LIM students entering their third or fourth year in the fall of 2025. Based on high academic achievement (cumulative GPA 3.5 or higher. ) Involvement in the LIM College community a plus.



20 awards of $5,000  Submit scholarship application by March 19. No FAFSA necessary.
LIM Fashion Education Foundation Scholarship Current LIM College students entering third or fourth year. Based on high academic achievement (cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher) and character. Need not a factor. Limited number of partial tuition awards. Variable amounts from $1,000 to $2,000. Non-renewable. Submit scholarship application by March 19. No FAFSA necessary.
Milton and Patricia Samuels Award Current LIM College student entering his or her third year. Based on academic achievement (cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher) and character. Need not a factor. One award of $1,000. Non-renewable. Submit scholarship application by March 19. No FAFSA necessary.
Leonard Nadel Scholarship Current LIM College student entering his or her second year. Based on excellence in academic achievement (cumulative GPA of 3.8 or higher), outstanding creativity and high capacity for contribution to the fashion industry. Need not a factor. One award of $2,000. Non-renewable. Submit scholarship application by March 19. No FAFSA necessary.
Stan Gellers Scholarship Current LIM College student who transferred to the College and will have junior or senior standing in the 2025-2026 academic year. Based on academic achievement (cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher) and character. Need not a factor. One award of $2,000. Non-renewable. Submit scholarship application by March 19. No FAFSA necessary.
Robert Bryan Achievement Scholarship Current LIM College student enrolled full-time in a bachelor's degree program who has completed at least 30 credits and has a 3.75 or higher cumulative GPA. One award of $2,500. Non-renewable. Submit scholarship application by March 319 No FAFSA necessary.
Award Eligibility for Consideration Amount Per Year & Responsibility Procedure
Adrian G. Marcuse Memorial Scholarship

Current LIM College student entering sophomore or junior year with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better. Significant financial need as demonstrated by Federal Pell Grant and/or New York State TAP Grant eligibility.

Established in honor of LIM College's second president in recognition of the profound impact he had in bettering the lives of countless students and of his unwavering leadership and vision in advancing the College to new heights for over 40 years.

One award, amount varies annually. Award is non-renewable.

Submit scholarship application by March 19. FAFSA and essay required. See essay topic below.

Reflecting on the pioneering, caring, and gracious spirit of LIM College’s second president, Adrian G. Marcuse, write a brief essay (minimum of 300 words) describing a significant challenge that you have had to overcome and how that experience has informed your vision for helping others through your career aspirations or in other endeavors.

Alan S. Scheiber Memorial Scholarship Current LIM College student entering his or her third year. Based on need and ability. One award of $1,000. Non-renewable. Submit scholarship application by March 19. FAFSA required.
Ashley Riggitano Scholarship

Current LIM student entering third or fourth year. Based on academic achievement (cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher). Demonstrates outstanding character, creativity and is actively involved in community service through volunteerism. Need not a factor. No FAFSA necessary.

Note: all scholarship candidates are required to submit a 2 letters of recommendation (one from an LIM faculty or staff and one from an industry professional)

Funded by: Riggitano Family

One award of $1,000. Non-renewable. Submit scholarship application by March 19. FAFSA required.
Helen Galland Scholarship Current LIM College student entering sophomore year or above who has declared a Management or Marketing major with a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA. Based on need and ability. One award of $750. Non-renewable. Submit scholarship application by March 19. FAFSA required.
John Robert Randall Memorial Scholarship

Current LIM College student entering junior year with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. Based on need and ability.

Funded by: Edythe P. Randall, Robin R. Lallanzio, Shann E. Andolina, John R. Randall, Judith M. Randall

One award of $1,000. Non-renewable. Submit scholarship application by March 19. FAFSA required.
LaVelle Olexa Scholarship

Current LIM College students entering sophomore year with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5. Based on need and ability.

Established in honor of Lord & Taylor’s former Senior Vice President of Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations for her many contributions to the fashion industry.

Two awards of $1,500 each. Non-renewable. Submit scholarship application by March 19. FAFSA required.
LIM Alumni/Foundation Scholarship Current LIM College student entering sophomore year or above with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5. Alumni relation a plus. Based on need and ability. One award of $1,500. Non-renewable. Submit scholarship application by March 19. FAFSA required.
LIM Faculty/Staff Achievement Award

Current LIM College students entering sophomore year or above with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5. Based on need and ability.

Funded from the annual contributions of LIM College faculty and staff.

Limited number of partial tuition awards. Variable amounts from $1,000 to $2,500. Non-renewable. Submit scholarship application by March 19. FAFSA required.
LIM Faculty/Staff Study Abroad Award

Current LIM College student entering junior year with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 who will be studying abroad in a LIM College full semester program in the upcoming fall or spring semesters. Based on need and ability.

Funded from the annual contributions of LIM College faculty and staff.

One partial tuition award, variable amount based on funds availability. Non-renewable. Submit scholarship application by March 19. FAFSA required.
Patty Farmer Scholarship Current LIM College students entering sophomore or junior year with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. Based on need and ability. Awards of $2,500 each. Must maintain cumulative GPA of 3.5 for renewal consideration. Submit scholarship application by March 19. FAFSA required.


Please note, unless otherwise specified, LIM College Fashion Education Foundation (FEF) scholarships may only be applied to the full-time flat rate tuition for the fall and spring semesters at LIM College. All scholarships are awarded on a funds available basis and LIM FEF reserves the right to make adjustments to these awards. Note that only one supplemental scholarship is offered per scholarship recipient.